marketing strategies for attracting new gym members

What are the most effective marketing strategies for attracting new gym members?

As a fitness professional, you already know how difficult it is to attract and retain customers. It becomes even more challenging when there are tens of gyms nearby. Right?

While gym owners may find new member acquisition challenging, there are some effective ways to deal with it. In a competitive world, only solid branding, a strong USP, and marketing strategies can distinguish a fitness gym from the rest. 

For this reason, you need to deploy extraordinary marketing strategies to capture them and convert them into members. Here are some of the most effective marketing strategies to help your gym get new people on the floor:

1. Create a smooth user experience

One of the most crucial marketing strategies for attracting and retaining new members is providing a seamless user experience. From the moment a customer gets through the door to the moment they leave, give them a flawless experience. 

Since it will be your business’s first impression, ensure it goes well. For this, double-check the following aspects of your gym:

  • You offer a modern and well-organized gym facility
  • The walk-in customers are treated well
  • You offer a variety of fitness classes
  • The staff is knowledgeable enough to answer their queries
  • Your gym offers something that other gyms don’t (juice bar, post-workout facilities)

2. Build a referral program

One of the most doable and yet productive methods to get new members is building a referral program. Leverage the power of word-of-mouth marketing to get new sign-ups. 

With a referral program, you can create a win-win situation for your existing members and business. Offer an award or a free week of classes that they can’t resist. This way, you can turn existing members into your walking marketers who bring their family and friends to your gym.  

3. Promote user-generated content

Most gym owners might not be aware of UGC, but it is quite a modern way of grabbing viewer’s attention. The good aspect is that it’s an indirect yet quite impactful approach to getting new members. 

Additionally, the best thing about UGC is your users create it in the form of stories, videos, and reviews with your hashtags and brand name. So, there’s less effort from your business while getting impressions and reach from a wider audience. 

Moreover, content created by users looks more credible and adds value to your business in the most unimaginable ways. So, leverage the power of user-generated content to attract new members to the gym. 

4. Share success stories and reviews

Where word-of-mouth marketing has potential, sharing success stories and reviews also has a great impact. You can easily agree that before trying something new, humans always look for reassurance and reviews of a specific place or thing. It not only gives us mental satisfaction but also supports our decisions. 

Similarly, success stories and reviews have the power to convince prospects to show up as new members. It is best to ask your existing members to leave positive reviews and share their transformative journeys to encourage new people to sign up.

5. Leverage the power of paid advertising

In the world of a hundred ways of marketing strategies, paid advertising is the strongest strategy for reaching the target audience. You can leverage the power of Meta ads or Google PPC to make your gym appear on the top. 

Additionally, almost all of us see around 150 ads daily on multiple platforms. Using paid advertising increases the chances of getting more leads and conversions. 

Therefore, don’t stick to Instagram and Facebook only for the sake of your brand presence. Consider running ads through these social platforms to make your business appear in their feed. 

6. Use the power of social media marketing

When running a business, you can’t think of growing it without leveraging the power of social media. Indeed, it is the strongest medium for reaching a large number of people in a short span. For businesses, it is an indispensable part of expanding their reach and tapping into the consumer market.

Additionally, think of the best tactics to drive more engagements to your social platform. For this, you can do the following:

  • Host virtual challenges
    Use the Instagram or TikTok viral challenges and hashtags to allow more and more people to follow. Ask your members and social media followers to compete in the fitness challenges and get a prize in return. 
  • Use multiple platforms
    Don’t stick to only one platform! Get the best out of every social platform. Posting on multiple platforms increases the chances of bringing potential customers through multiple pools. 
  • Share SM-exclusive deals
    You can also promote your exclusive deals and offers through social media. It will encourage your online audience to actually visit the gym facility and become a member. 

7. Get the word spread through SMS and email marketing

For a fitness business, getting potential members is convenient through email marketing and SMS, which are the power of communication. Use the power of emails and SMS to spread the word to the right people at the right time. 

Share your upcoming event announcements, ongoing promotions, sales, or promo code to turn your prospects into members. Look at how people respond to your offers and how you can provide them value. Know that personalization is the key to converting your leads into paying members. So, make the best use of personalization when reaching out to people. 

8. Boost loyalty by building a community

Building a community makes it easier to instill a sense of loyalty in your members. Give them a reason to serve a bigger purpose and stay mindful of others. A community gives them a sense of belonging to the place and people. 

Additionally, you can raise this sense of loyalty by collaborating and taking part in community-based programs and activities:

  • Host community events and programs
    Build a positive reputation by taking part in community events and fundraisers. Think of serving the community for a better purpose; it will help you expand your reach and attract new people. 
  • Collaborate with related industries and businesses 
    Networking and collaborating with related businesses and professionals is significant for opening up to potential customers. Working on the same platforms with your connections increases the opportunity to explore new ways to attract members. 

9. Run pre-sale offers

 It’s a great strategy to market your memberships even before getting started. By running pre-sale offers, you can not only boost your membership base but also incite curiosity in your audience. This strategy is especially useful for businesses who are about to open the gym doors for memberships, 

Additionally, the sales offer should be categorized on the basis of how quickly or late people join in. For this reason, you can name memberships as:

  • Early-bird membership
  • Regular Membership
  • Exclusive event-based memberships

By deploying such marketing tactics, you can not only boost your memberships but also get revenue early. 

10. Leverage influencer marketing

For any business, influencer marketing is one of the most effective ways to boost its reach and attract members. The more influential a person is, the bigger his/her follower base is, and the impact will be multiplied.

Additionally, a fitness freak can bring about a change through their fitness transformation stories and give a shoutout to your gym. Get in touch with the right person and see the satisfying number of new members it brings to your gym. 

Final Takeaway

Conclusively, making a gym business thrive in today’s competitive world requires efficient marketing strategies. Since it’s the only way to breathe life into a business, wisely choose what works best for your gym business! 

However, among the hundreds of marketing strategies, consider the above-mentioned strategies to attract new members to your gym. 

Further reading

If you would like to discuss any aspect of our research, or find out more about how Wellyx can help you manage and grow your gym or fitness studio, please contact [email protected] or call your nearest team