
Gym Management App - Android & iPhone

Brand building and customer ease

Make your brand more famous among fitness enthusiasts and manage routine activities with ease. The Wellyx’s gym management app allows you to customize memberships and workout plans. 

Gym Management App Android iPhone

Create custom memberships & packages

You can customize workout plans and packages using the app for gym management. Track the most popular classes within your gym. Increase its frequency to attract more members. Interestingly, the mobile app is compatible with Android and iPhone. 

  • The gym management app enables your members to view and book sessions.
  • It provides real-time attendance tracking to enhance the class experience.
  • Securely manages transactions and maintains the record.
  • Track member engagement and class popularity.
Create custom memberships packages
Automate failed payment alerts

Automate failed payment alerts

Promptly address payment issues and minimize the risk of delays in revenue collection. The gym class management app improves cash flow and identifies failed payments. It sends an automated alert that enables you to ensure the financial stability of the gym.

  • Fosters transparency and trust among customers.
  • It saves time and resources and eliminates the need for manual tracking.
  • Accurately maintain membership records and prevent unauthorized access to facilities.
  • Automated alerts facilitate efficient financial management.

Manage member benefits distribution & rollover

Offer reward programs to your customers to keep their interest alive. Gym management apps for Android & iPhone allow you to manage reward programs for your members. Using the mobile application, you can efficiently administer and track loyalty programs. 

  • Send personalized alerts to update your members and increase engagement.
  • Create special packages for different members and offer customized plans.
  • Implement the referral program within the mobile application.
  • The gym app has a user-friendly interface for members to view.
Manage member benefits distribution rollover
Get freeze payment interval options

Get freeze payment interval options

Enable your members to freeze payments during the time when they are not availing of your service. The Wellyx gym management app facilitates your customers and enables them to take short breaks. They can pause their payment schedules during the periods of absence.

  • Enable payment pauses using the gym management app.
  • Ensure members can easily control payment schedules.
  • Easy access to freeze payment interval options.
  • You can easily handle and monitor payment pauses.

Apply purchase restrictions

You can apply purchase restrictions on specific products and services. In this way, you maintain the integrity of membership plans. In addition, these purchase restrictions serve as security measures against unauthorized users. Furthermore, these prevent fraudulent transactions.

  • Control the quantity or frequency of product purchases per member.
  • Set time-based limitations on certain purchases or access to facilities.
  • Restrict the number of class reservations within a specific time frame.
  • Limit the frequency of accessing particular services within a defined period.
Apply purchase restrictions

Why Wellyx gym management app is best for your business?

Wellyx software for your fitness & wellness business
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Yes. Wellyx’s gym management app allows you to customize workout and membership plans for a specific group of customers or individuals. In addition, using the app, you can check the studio’s trends. Using the information, you can customize workout plans and offer exclusive classes. Such strategies enhance member satisfaction and create an enjoyable fitness journey for your customers.

The mobile application of the gym management app uses robust encryption protocols. Such advanced security measures ensure secure transactions and ensure security of sensitive data. Implementation of such protected methods enhances the trust and confidence of your members. In this way, you build a brand reputation and minimize the risk of fraudulent activities.

Wellyx’s gym management data maintains attendance records and your members’ data. Being an administrator, you can access the attendance records of your staff members and members anytime. In this way, you can check the participation of your members in an individual class. Knowing popularity, you can set the frequency of classes.

You can set reminders and manage recurring payments using the gym management app. Such functions save your studio from late payments and disruptions in the cash flow system. In addition, using the mobile application, you can enable your members to make split payments. Offering such flexibility attracts more members and eliminates the complications of handling transactions. 

Yes, the gym management app enables you to manage and offer referral programs. Such strategies make your business profitable and encourage more members to participate. In this way, you build a gym community and foster a sense of camaraderie among members.

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