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How Long Does It Take to Get Ripped?

How Long Does It Take to Get Ripped

How long does it take to get ripped? You may be surprised that getting lean and ripped takes six to twelve months. More realistically, losing a significant amount of body fat takes two to three years. Nevertheless, six to twelve months is a reasonable timeframe to achieve a ripped body. For more precise results, it’s better to aim for a four-year timeframe.

When determining how long it will take to get ripped, remember that while we all want to see results as soon as possible, doing it healthily is always the most crucial factor.


The diet and time to get ripped should be complementary, not in conflict. Diet is essential to building muscle, and increasing physical activity helps. You should also avoid consuming processed and fattening foods. Small changes in your diet and lifestyle can significantly change your body and physique. However, the key to getting ripped fast is to follow a balanced diet and incorporate regular workouts into your daily routine.


Below are some proteins to add to your diet:

  • Fish
  • Egg
  • Grains
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables

There is no magic diet or magical time to get ripped. Instead, you must commit to a workout program for at least six months. A good workout program should include both resistance training and HIIT exercises. By varying your routine, you’ll avoid boredom and get the desired results. The more variety you have in your workout, the better. A ripped body does not result from a short workout session; you need a challenging and enjoyable routine.

Several factors make a diet plan effective. The most important factor is the desire of the person to change their body. A strict diet plan requires a lot of discipline and a change in eating habits and lifestyle. It’s essential to be disciplined and focused on your goals. It’s easy to fall off track, but you must set goals and know why you want to change.


The first step to getting a ripped body is to understand that fat is stored calories in your body. Reducing these calories can burn the stored fat and get lean. Finding the proper balance between diet and exercise is the key to getting lean and ripped. You can also reduce the amount of fattening foods in your diet. Regardless of your goals, this is the key to getting ripped.


Regardless of your goal, building muscle and losing fat are crucial for weight loss and building lean muscle. Although there are many ways to work out and get ripped, a total-body strength-training routine is the most effective. And it must be progressive. The fitness expert says, “Getting ripped increases your physical challenge over time. It takes dedication and hard work.”

The next step is to determine the right amount of weight you can lift. Aim to raise at least three pounds above your maximum. Try to limit the weight to a certain percentage. If you want to get leaner quickly, ensure your body is well-nourished. A diet high in protein and healthy fats can lead to faster and easier fat loss. By following these tips, you’ll soon be on your way to a ripped body.

  • Train to build muscle
  • Eat protein
  • Use portion control
  • Sleep
  • Try cycling

Body Fat Percentage:

A ripped physique requires six to twelve months of dedicated training and dieting. But if you start in terrible shape, it could take much longer. The average body fat of a man is twenty-four percent, and thirty-one percent for a woman. The more discipline you have and the better the food and exercise plan, the faster you will see results.

Body Fat Percentage

The weight you lose largely depends on how much body fat you have. If you carry more fat around your abdomen, it’s advisable to go through a cutting phase, lasting between four and six weeks. You’ll need a flat stomach before you can begin lean bulking. However, this process can take months for big guys. For more petite guys, it might take only a few weeks to reach your target body fat percentage.

To understand how much muscle mass you need to build, you should measure yourself. However, it would be best if you took accurate measurements of your body to ensure that you don’t miss any critical information. By measuring your body correctly, you’ll be able to accurately gauge how much muscle you need. Adding muscle mass is slow, but the payoff is worth it.

Body Composition:

If you’re a high school guy who wants to get ripped, you’ll want to know how long it takes to gain muscle mass. The answer to this question depends on your body weight. On average, losing one pound of fat per week can take fourteen to sixteen weeks. This can vary, however, depending on your metabolism and the amount of fat you currently carry. Once you’ve reached your desired body fat percentage, it can take another two to five months to get to the point where you can start bulking.

Body Composition

A ripped body is made up of high-quality muscle mass. While this is not always possible, the proper diet is critical for a lean physique. A diet rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins is essential for achieving a toned body. Foods rich in fiber and micronutrients are found in whole grains, beans, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. Lastly, you must be consistent and follow a scientifically-based program to get ripped.

Body fat percentage affects the quality of muscle gains. If your body fat is over twenty percent, you won’t see the definition you want. However, body fat percentages in the single digits can effectively get lean and defined muscle. Less than ten percent will give you visible abs and a defined physique. You can get ripped faster by lowering your body fat to twenty percent or even less.

Length of Workouts:

One factor influencing how fast you get ripped the length of your workouts. While many variables determine how long training should last, it is generally safe to say that shorter workouts lead to more muscular gains.

Length of Workouts

A short workout can also benefit those with limited time and motivation. Read on to find out what type of workout you need to do to get ripped!

To get ripped, you need to do high-rep, low-load training. Training too hard in a caloric deficit can lead to muscle loss and can even reduce your energy levels. That is why lifting heavier and doing fewer reps will help you improve your strength as your body is less tired. Additionally, this method increases your metabolism and helps to keep your lean muscle mass.

Muscle Fitness Diet Plan:

Whether you’re trying to increase muscle size or burn fat, a good diet plan for getting ripped should focus on protein. This essential macronutrient should make up at least 15 percent of your daily calories. The other 80 percent of your calories should come from carbohydrates. A ripped body diet plan should include three to six meals a day. If you want to know about the latest diet routine, read top fitness blogs.

Muscle Fitness Diet Plan

According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition, protein should be eaten every three hours. A high-protein meal should be eaten before a strength-training session.

While many believe dieting is key to getting ripped, this is not the case. Even though weight-lifting can help you build muscle mass, it doesn’t necessarily make your abs look ripped. This is because fat covers the muscles and under the skin, or subcutaneous fat. Cutting down on subcutaneous fat will help you reveal your abs and make your veins pop! So, balancing carbs, protein, and healthy fats is imperative.

When planning a diet for getting ripped, you must understand how much your body can burn. A typical bodybuilder needs about one gram of protein per pound of body weight. The gram of protein required by intermediate lifters is about one gram per pound of BW. Fat should represent 20-30 percent of your total calories. This way, you’ll be sure to have enough calories for your daily workouts and bulk up your muscles.

Ending Words!

Many people who want to improve their physique are understandably impatient to see results. If you’re not content with what you’re seeing, the best thing you can do is keep going, adhere to your workout schedule and keep thinking about your goals. However, most people who begin a dedicated fat-burning and muscle-building program can show benefits in as little as eight weeks. By four months, you’ll most certainly see significant changes in your body.

Of course, this depends on your starting point, but if you’re already in decent cardio form, the following steps can yield promising benefits. After a year of hard work, you should be able to achieve a shredded figure with defined abs and a muscular physique.
