Best ways to respond to your leads

10 best ways to respond to your leads

Congrats! Your gym marketing campaign worked. The hard part is done, right? Well, not quite. You’ve successfully attracted attention, and now the leads are coming in. But, how you respond to these leads can affect your conversion rates.

Of course not every lead will automatically become a member, but handling your leads correctly can improve the rates they join your gym or take their fitness journey elsewhere. The cost of delayed and inefficient responses extends beyond the immediate loss, impacting your brand reputation and potential long-term relationships.
So responding efficiently and effectively is obviously important if you want to build those long-term members.

Here are 10 methods to ensure you’re responding in the best way possible:

1. Respond quickly

Speed shows that you’re serious about their inquiry and care about their interest.

So, the sooner you reply to a lead, the more likely they’ll stay engaged. Studies show that responding to a lead within a minute can lead to 391% more conversions. Similarly, if you respond after 10 minutes, 82% of leads will likely be lost. Responding after 30 minutes also decreases the chances of conversion by 21 times. 

Aim to respond within 10-30 minutes. 

2. Use automation

With the number of leads you’re receiving, it can be tough to manage each one individually. This is where automation comes in handy. Use an automated lead management system like Wellyx with preset personalized messages to ensure no lead goes unanswered, even when you’re not available. Such a system can send immediate responses to let the lead know their inquiry has been received and when they can expect a more detailed follow-up.

Automation helps maintain momentum while you handle other aspects of your business. If you have a system like Wellyx, you can make follow-up calls and even WhatsApp messages from the platform. This can stop leads falling though the cracks.

3. Personalize your replies

We live in an AI era, but no one wants to talk to a robot, so avoid robotic messages. Start by addressing them by their first name. Mention something specific about their inquiry, such as the service they’re interested in. For example, if they ask about personal training, you can respond, “Hi [Name], I noticed you’re interested in our programs. Let me tell you how we can help you achieve your fitness goals.”

Personalization shows you’re attentive and care about their needs.

4. Be clear and concise

When responding to leads, keep your message clear and concise. Avoid overwhelming them with too much information at once. Provide the answers they’re looking for simply and directly. Long-winded explanations can lose their interest or confuse them. If they ask about membership plans, provide the key details—pricing, duration, and what’s included—without going overboard.

Clarity helps build trust and keeps communication efficient.

5. Provide solutions

Leads come to you because they’re looking for a solution to their problem, whether it’s to get fit, lose weight, or simply feel better. When responding, focus on how your gym or fitness services can meet their specific needs. Instead of just listing your services, explain how those services will help them reach their fitness goals. For example, “Our group classes are perfect for weight loss because they combine cardio and strength training for maximum results.”

Showing them the value of your service makes it easier for them to take the next step.

6. Follow up

Not all leads will respond to your first message. That doesn’t mean they’re not interested. They could have been busy or overlooked your response. A polite follow-up message can remind them that you’re still available and willing to help. Make sure your follow-up is friendly, not pushy. Something like, “Hi [Name], just checking in to see if you had any more questions about our membership options.”

A simple follow-up often leads to conversions that may have otherwise been lost.

7. Ask open-ended questions

Engage your leads by asking questions that prompt conversation. Avoid yes-or-no questions, as they can cut the conversation short. Instead, ask open-ended questions that allow leads to share more about their needs and preferences. For example, “What’s your biggest fitness challenge?” or “What type of workout are you most interested in?”

These questions help build rapport and show you’re genuinely interested in helping them achieve their goals.

8. Stay professional

Maintaining a professional tone is essential in your responses. Remember that you’re representing your business even though you want to be friendly and approachable. Avoid slang or overly casual language. Be polite, address their concerns thoroughly, and offer helpful information. Professionalism builds trust and ensures leads feel confident about your gym.

9. Offer incentives

Sometimes, leads just need an extra push to make a decision. Offering a limited-time incentive can motivate them to take action. This could be a discount on membership, a free trial session, or a special promotion like “Sign up today and get your first month free.” These small perks can be the difference between a lead signing up or walking away.

Everyone loves a good deal, and it can encourage them to commit to your gym sooner.

10. Track and analyze your responses

Tracking your interactions is essential for continually improving your response to leads. Use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool to log each response, follow-up, and outcome. Analyzing this data can help you identify what’s working and where improvements are needed. Maybe specific incentives lead to higher conversion rates or perhaps leads respond better to follow-ups sent within a specific time frame.

By tracking your responses, you can refine your approach and become even more effective at converting leads into members. Wellyx’s lead management feature will help you do this.

The beginning of a beautiful relationship

If you do all of these, chances are you’ll have the best conversion rate overall, from lead to regular paying member.

Perhaps the best advice anyone can give is to see each lead as the beginning of a beautiful relationship. It may be a bit bumpy at first, with some missed calls and crossed wires, but if you believe there’s a lasting value to be exchanged, you’re likely to give your prospects a chance and a lasting relationship with your brand.

Further reading

If you would like to discuss any aspect of our research, or find out more about how Wellyx can help you manage and grow your gym or fitness studio, please contact [email protected] or call your nearest team