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How good Software Makes it Easier to Manage your Spa Staff

spa staff

The spa industry is ever-changing, and so should your spa staff. However, one thing that can remain constant is your ability to manage staff. Adapting how you manage your staff can be a business-changing decision; until now, you may have drawn up rotas with pen and paper or even relied on the honesty and reliability of your staff. This can be prone to human error and inconsistency of service. Technology advancements make staff management so much easier; whether you are a small business or an extensive spa offering many services, your business can be run more effectively.

Staff management software can help your spa perform better by operating a more effective and efficient day-to-day program of services. Software is leading the way in supporting people to adapt their businesses. Within your spa, how you manage your staff daily will ultimately determine the success of your business. Managing your staff schedules is critical in effectively managing your spa; this is where employee staff software comes in. This software is flexible in managing staff tasks, strengths, weaknesses, skill sets, and relationships with clients; allowing your spa to perform at its best.

Empower Employees

Empowering your staff is crucial to maintaining good relationships, boosting staff morale, and encouraging a more cohesive working environment. Building a working schedule collaboratively is much more inclusive and supports your staff group. Staff management software helps you adjust their schedules and rotas to suit your and the salon’s needs. The software also remembers and suggests future scheduling, making this task faster and more effective. Efficient staff scheduling is crucial to staff happiness, boosting productivity, and improving staff loyalty at your spa business.

Recruitment Process

Recruiting staff is a costly and time-consuming process. Software at your spa ensures you are efficient at recruiting new staff. The software can make creating jobs, duties, and roles easier by entering essential and desirable skill sets. It holds a CV and matches skills and qualifications specific to your spa’s needs. This supports your business in finding and recruiting appropriate people, personalities, and skills for your business.

Real Data

Staff software enables you to receive live and accurate real-time data on your staff. Your spa software can gather and give you reports and stats that can generate budgets, timesheet costs, sales, and other influences your staff has on running your spa business. At the helm of a busy spa, it is tempting to spread your duties too thinly across your business. This exposes your roles to a lack of quality and attentiveness.

Staff software enables you to save on labor hours; it can create rotas and schedules instantly, which usually would take hours to do by hand. Furthermore, with real-time data, you can build your ways of working around up-to-date and current reports. Spa staff software allows you to auto-schedule your staff and predicts busy periods on a weekly, daily, and yearly basis. These predictions can be made from real-time and historical data to allow you to provide the necessary staff coverage.

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Mobile Management

Managing your staff anywhere and everywhere is attractive to many spa owners. The business changes from day to day and is constantly evolving. Staff sickness phone calls can quickly change the day’s makeup and need covering. Having the staff schedule software to hand and mobile is very effective at covering the necessary needs of your business. The spa software can provide a mobile solution to updating staff schedules and rotas at your fingertips. The software can even send staff reminders and notifications on their hours, upcoming events, shift patterns, cover requests, or any changes to the schedule. This technology can keep your spa business in tip-top condition.


The spa industry is constantly addressing the legality and health and safety elements of the services and treatments we provide to our clients. And although this is in our best interest as a business, it is often difficult to track all the updates to policies and procedures year after year. However, staff software can automatically update documents, policies, and procedures; so you can regularly renew your skills and knowledge in certain aspects of the business as the spa owner and your staff. As the spa owner, the software keeps you to date and compliant with real-time alerts for new laws and policies, flagging up when staff training or awareness is required.

Giving your spa team the tools, responsibilities, and accountability they need to complete their tasks is the essence of empowering them. A great manager would never make fun of, undermine, or bully their team into doing what they wanted. Instead, they would model the work ethic that they want to see in their group.

3 Major Qualities to Manage your Spa Staff Well

Progress & Motivation

Motivating your employees is an essential part of a manager’s job! To be an effective motivator, you must first understand that different things motivate different people. Your job is to figure out what makes each team member tick so that you can effectively motivate them. Acknowledging where each team member is at and how you can help them develop is a critical part of your role as a manager. If you can assist your team in becoming better at what they do, their performance will improve, benefiting your business. So, make sure you’re defining and giving feedback on ways to develop your team.

It’s also critical to conduct assessments in which you discuss their progress, set goals, and assist in developing a clear career path.

Communication is the Key

Excellent communication skills are a must for success in almost any role, but they are significant when you are a manager. When assigning tasks, running meetings, and providing feedback, make sure you communicate clearly with your team to ensure every employee is on the same page and understands what you expect of them. The best way to grasp this is to ask questions and listen.

Well-Organized System

It is the responsibility of the manager/owner to organize the chaos by putting systems and processes in place while also being flexible when things don’t go as planned. Keep a schedule of your targets and tasks to help you stay on track and cut out what’s unnecessary.
